Dolomite Ski Region, Italy

Flight Schedule:

Date Flight From To Depart Arrive
Jan 31, 2025 AC 457 Ottawa TorontoT1 14:10 15:21
Jan 31, 2025 AC 836 TorontoT1 MunichT2 19:45 9:50+1
Feb 9, 2025 AC 837 MunichT2 TorontoT1 11:50 14:55
Feb 9, 2025 AC 462 TorontoT1 Ottawa 17:05 18:12

+1 means that the flight arrives the next day.

Cost includes:

Cost does not include:

Cost per person (all-inclusive):

Cost per person (all inclusive):

Based on double occupancy $4,150.00
Based on single occupancy $4,450.00
Based on triple occupancy $4,050
Four person suite upon request $TBD
Payment by VISA/Mastercard (+3%) single $4,583.50
Payment by VISA/Mastercard (+3%) double $4,274.50
Payment by VISA/Mastercard (+3%) three person suite $4,171.50
Seniors 65 and 65+, reduce package cost by $50.00
Land only, not including airfare, reduce package cost by $1,300.00
Adult (non senior) package not including 6-day ski pass, reduce cost by $500.00
Senior package not including 6-day ski ski pass, reduce cost by $450.00

Optional all-inclusive insurance with MANULIFE covers up to package price (rates are based on your age) prior to departure: Up to $4,000.00 Up to $4,200.00 Up to $4,400.00 Up to $4,600.00
Up to age 59 $441.00 $454.00 $468.00 $481.00
Age 60 - 64 $541.00 $557.00 $573.00 $589.00
Age 65 - 69 $622.00 $640.00 $659.00 $678.00
Age 70 - 74 $824.00 $846.00 $868.00 $889.00
Age 75 - 79 $979.00 $1,009.00 $1,038.00 $1,068.00
Age 80+ Will be quoted depending on age
Insurance costs are subject to change any time until booked

For other age groups (or different coverage), please contact Touringhouse for a quotation, or call 613-741-2942:

Expenses related to COVID 19 will not be covered if the Government of Canada issues an "Avoid All Travel" or an "Avoid All Non-Essential Travel" Advisory, advising or recommending that Canadians not travel to a specific country, region or city on their date of departure.

All-insurance coverage covers the following (insurance brochures available on request):

Registration Information


Touringhouse Certifications