1. Fill out the registration form online
2. Print the form using your browser's print command
3. Fill out the Client Information Form (Click Here for the Client Information Form)
4. Mail in the two completed, signed and printed forms to:

Touringhouse Inc.
876 Montreal Rd., Suite 201,
Ottawa, Ontario,
K1K 4L3

5. If you have any questions or require any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact Touringhouse (613-741-2942) (travel@touringhouse.com)

Tour Registration Form
Your Information

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Passport must be valid for 6 months after the date of return from the tour.
Tour Preferences

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Payment Information
Please make cheques payable to Touringhouse Inc.:
My signature below indicates that I understand the conditions, responsibilities, and expectations as indicated in this form.
Pick a date
The following portion is to be completed only if Tour Insurance is NOT desired:
Travel insurance has been offered to me relative to my forthcoming trip and I have declined to purchase it. I will not hold TOURINGHOUSE responsible for any expenses incurred as a result of my refusal to purchase travel insurance.
Additional Comments